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                 architecture atelier

  -Architecture is the masterful, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light.-   Le Corbusier


Architecture is not a simple or singular concept. It is complex and wide, it can be drawn or built, poetic or practical, temporal or enduring, small or large, cheap or expensive, ugly or beautiful, organized or chaotic...
This website tries to show that wide range within the discipline. Various residential projects done as an architecture contractor for Omnia Constructions deal with diverse contexts, climates, budgets and clients.
Large scale academic research projects deal with housing issues, the city and its constant evolution, trying to create
diverse spaces that foster new social or economic interactions. Research projects sponsored by art grants look
into different approaches to urbanism, like urban acupuncture and new social and agricultural arrangements
The studio demonstrates flexibility, moving from different scales, complexities and intentions, perhaps not out of personal choice, but of the opportunities that arise, from the need to keep producing, questioning and trying to improve the present conditions of the built environment, whether by writing, designing projects, proposing new materials or doing research.


© Sergio Castillo Lara

© 2020 bymzg

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